
What's a 'B-Mod'?

B-mod is short for balancing modification.

These modifications, developed specifically for individual games, are designed to level the playing field when playing games with children of different ages. Younger children get certain bonuses, which come in a range of different forms, giving them a much greater chance of winning against older children and adults.

This handicap system also enables any adults or older children to play to the best of their ability without the danger of a landslide victory.

Once a child wins a game against another player of a higher level, they level up and will have reduced bonuses the next time they play. In this way, over many plays, they will hope to progress to adult capability. If they ever manage to reach the top level and then defeat an adult without any bonuses, they win a reward which is set when the B-mod is first printed.

Sounds great, right?!

It is! Download one of the B-mods below to try it out! Page 2 of the PDF has detailed instructions on how to use the mods.

If you need help thinking of a reward for a new B-mod, use our tool here.

And if you try using one, please fill out this form to give us feedback on how you found it so we can keep making them better. Thanks!
