About Us

Our Mission

We aim to BRING FAMILIES CLOSER by providing tools and resources to help parents, uncles, aunties and grandparents find the very best tabletop games to play with the children in their lives, and to give them tools to have the best time when playing.

Our Resources


Our ‘balancing modifications’, aka B-mods, are a new innovation in the industry, aimed at standardising appropriate handicaps for children when playing tabletop games with adults or older children.

They make games more enjoyable for children and also allow adults and older children to apply themselves fully to a game without the winner being a foregone conclusion.

Click here to find out more about them or to download one of our free B-mod PDFs.


Graphical ratings

Some games are great for 2-year-olds. But those games aren’t usually much fun for adults…

On this site, every game rating is attached to the age of the player concerned, so over time we can construct a 2-dimensional graph to demonstrate how good a game is across different ages, as wel as graphs to show us what percentage of parents think a game is playable at a certain age.

Every game listing has both a ratings graph and a parent percentage graph – browse our games list and choose a game you like to see what we’re talking about.

Age-specific living top 100 lists

Every game entry on our database has a rating score for every age, based on how much it is enjoyed by children of that age. This enables us to put together a top-100 list for every age from 1 to 15.

The site is very new so these top-100’s are more like top-5’s at the moment as our database grows, but the list will be a ‘living’ list in the sense that as site users submit their ratings, so games can move up and down the rankings for different ages.

Age-specific living top 100 lists

Who are We?


My name is Tom Clare, although I mostly go by TC.

I am the designer of the Kickstarter-published social card game, The Champion of the Wild, and a GP (or ‘family doctor’) living in Sheffield in the UK.

More importantly, though, I’m a husband and a father to 5 amazing kids, all of whom enjoy playing tabletop games.

Having developed the concepts for this site over the last few years, I’m excited to start sharing them with other parents across the world from 2024.

We are on the lookout for new team members to help develop the site and resources. As and when new members of the team join up, we’ll add short bios here.

Want to get involved? Email us on contact@boardgamesforallages.com.