
Looking for the best family board games?
The games here are listed by default in descending order based on their adult rating on our site.
We are using boardgamegeek’s ratings as a starting point, but as our users submit their ratings, the scores on this site will gradually become our own.
Looking for games for children of a specific age? Try our living top 100 lists where family board games and children’s games are ranked according to child enjoyment at different ages, or use the filters below for a more detailed search.

Enter any search terms and tinker with the different game attributes to find any board games for children, young people or adults which match your chosen criteria.
Be sure to sort the results by using the drop-down sort menu at the end of the form – then you’ll be able to see the relevant data scores in your results below.
We are currently updating this page with new search tools – check back in a few days and we’ll be fully operational.